Oral Surgery Specialist

Nova Dental

Cosmetic & Family Dentist located in Newark, NJ and Ironbound, NJ

The majority of dental procedures are noninvasive, but in some instances, oral surgery is necessary. At Nova Dental, Bhavneet Singh, DDS, and the dental team offer several types of oral surgery, including extractions, root canals, and dental implant placements. To make an appointment at the practice in Newark, New Jersey and East Orange, New Jersey, call the office, or click the online booking tool today.

Oral Surgery Q & A

What is oral surgery?

Oral surgery uses specialized tools and treatment techniques to address problems affecting the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, or jaw. Dentists who perform oral surgery undergo four years of traditional dental school, followed by an additional two or three years of specialty training in surgical procedures.

Thanks to modern anesthetics, most oral procedures are virtually pain-free. What’s more, the minimally invasive nature of most treatments allows for smaller incisions, less swelling, and quicker recovery times.

What are some common types of oral surgery?

Nova Dental offers various types of oral surgery, including:

Teeth extractions

Extractions remove one or more of your permanent teeth. Many people undergo wisdom teeth extractions, but you might also benefit if you have impacted teeth, a severely decaying tooth, or you’re preparing to undergo orthodontic treatment.

Root canal therapy

Root canal therapy removes damaged or infected pulp from the center of a tooth. By removing the pulp, it’s possible to limit the pain, prevent the spread of infection, and preserve your natural tooth. Following the removal of the pulp, your provider covers your tooth with a dental crown. 

Dental implant placement

Dental implants are prosthetics that replace missing natural teeth. They’re inserted into your jaw during an outpatient procedure, fuse with your bone, and provide a foundation for dental restorations like crowns, bridges, or implant-retained overdentures.

Gum grafts

If you have gum disease, like gingivitis or periodontitis, and it's caused your gum tissue to recede, your Nova Dental provider might recommend a gum graft. During this type of oral surgery, your provider removes a piece of healthy tissue from another part of your mouth and stitches it over your receding gums. 

Will oral surgery benefit me?

To determine if you’re a candidate for oral surgery, your Nova Dental provider does an oral exam, reviews your dental health history, and asks about your symptoms, including when they started and if any activities like biting or chewing make them worse. Afterward, they order a series of oral X-rays to assess parts of your mouth invisible to the naked eye.

Once your provider gathers the necessary information, they can make recommendations and design a custom surgical treatment plan.

Is oral surgery safe?

Oral surgery is safe and usually well-tolerated. To ensure your comfort during treatment, your provider administers a local anesthetic. If you experience dental anxiety or have a low pain threshold, they can also provide sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry uses prescription medication to help you relax while undergoing dental treatment. 

To see if you’re a candidate for oral surgery, make an appointment at Nova Dental by calling the office, or clicking the online booking tool today.